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Below are some links to useful websites and organisations.


Authentic Equity AlliancePromoting the personal and professional development of women and girls

Counting Dead Women Collates Femicide statistics

Fair Play for WomenFor an excellent source of information regarding the impact of gender on women and girls especially in relation to the Gender Recognition Act 2004, the misapplication of the Equality Act 2010, sports and prisons

LGBAllianceWorking to promote and protect the interests of lesbians, gay men and bisexuals

Mumsnet: A resource for women to gain knowledge, information, support and advice. 

Object: Direct action group raising awareness and concerns about Porn, Prostitution and Surrogacy A grassroots feminist organisation

SavewomenssportsCampaigning to keep women's sports for women

Sex Matters: Sex matters in life and in law

​The Equality and Human Rights Commission: Guidance on the Equality Act 2010

Women's AidSupport for women and children surviving domestic violence

Women's Place UK: Campaigning for the preservation of distinct services for women 

Women's Rights Network: Women across the UK are joining forces to defend women's sex based rights, organising co-ordinated action nationally, regionally and locally.

Political groups

Women Uniting: - Cross party group fighting for women's sex-based rights

Conservatives for Women: Conservative Women's Pledge

Green Feminists:  Women and Girls Organisation

Labour Women's Declaration: Raising the profile of women's sex-based rights within the Labour Party

Liberal Voice for Women: Liberal Democrats

WEP Sex-Based Rights Caucus: The Women's Equality Party Sex-based rights caucus

Children and Schools

Safe Schools AllianceSafeguarding issues in relation to children 

Transgender Trend: Highlighting the current trend to diagnose children as transgender

Genspect: For parents with gender-questioning children



For Women Scotland: Campaigning on human right issues that impact on women and girls


FiLiA: Promoting Women's rights throughout the world

The Women's Human Rights Campaigncampaigning to maintain language protecting women and girls on the basis of sex rather than 'gender' or 'gender identity'


A Wider Lens: Podcast discussing co-morbid issues that may contribute to or influence the growth in transgenderism

CRFN - Cambridge Radical Feminist Network: Feminist talks hosted by Cambridge University Students

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